The End of the Game The game is over when any of the following conditions are met: 1) If any single company exceeds the size of forty grants. 2) If all the companies currently in existence exceed ten grants. These conditions are automatically checked for after the playing of each land grant by the computer. This may be disabled by turning off the "Computer checks for End of Game" in the Preferences dialog. In order for the game to end with this option off, a player must declare the end of the game by selecting the appropriate command in the Player menu. The above conditions must still be met for the game to be over unless the "Human players can end game at any time" option is checked in the Preferences. Once the game is over, the following events take place: 1) The existing companies are liquidated from smallest to largest. During the liquidation process, the following occurs: a) The majority stockholder is issued a majority holder's bonus. b) The stockholder who has the second greatest number of stocks is issued a minority holder's bonus. c) Each player's stock is sold at the current market value. 2) Once all the companies have been liquidated and all the assets of each player are determined, the winner of the game is announced.